Editorial Guidelines

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Every day, we strive for accuracy and impartiality through a strict editorial process. We emphasize primary research and work hard to keep all pages on our site accurate and current. We employ a team of passionate writers and editors, with multiple people reviewing each and every piece of content we publish.

Below, we’ve outlined more details on History Computer’s guiding principles and the values that drive us.

1.) Accuracy

Every page of a Flywheel Publishing website begins with a solid foundation of research, fact-checking, and vetted sources to create content that is both current and accurate.

Every History Computer page begins ONLY with vetted, encyclopedic resources. From there we layer on primary research and have developed an editorial process for reviewing content to ensure it is as up-to-date and accurate as possible. Our goal is that you can explore, enjoy, and trust the information discovered across History Computer.

2.) Useful and Informative

History Computer seeks to educate our readers and empower them with information. Every page on our site is reviewed to ensure it is useful to readers. To rise to this standard every page must be clearly organized, provide clear answers, and support those answers with research and facts.

3.) Regarding AI-generated Content

We believe in the value of authenticity in research and writing, and we don’t compromise. To bring our readers the most accurate and valuable content, we conduct identity verification of all authors who write for Flywheel Publishing and its websites. Additionally, all content created on behalf of Flywheel Publishing must pass rigorous AI detection testing and is only published when approved by each site’s editors. Flywheel Publishing has a zero-tolerance policy on using artificial intelligence in content creation unless used with human editorial oversight. If AI is used in any capacity in content creation, it will be clearly noted to the reader.

4.) Zero-Tolerance for Plagiarism

Flywheel Publishing does not publish work that is plagiarized. We implement tools to ensure our content is completely original and authentic so that we can provide the most useful information to our readers.

5.) Corrections Policy

When errors are discovered, we swiftly correct them and update the content accordingly. We welcome reader feedback to cite any errors discovered so that we can quickly fact-check and correct accordingly. If you discover what you suspect is an error, please contact us.

6.) Affiliate Disclosure

Some of the pages on History Computer refer readers to products available for purchase on other websites, such as Amazon or Best Buy. If affiliate links are included in our content, it will be clearly noted to the reader. In some cases, Flywheel Publishing earns a small commission for those purchases. While it does not raise the price of the product(s) for you, these commissions help support our sites and allow us to continue researching and writing great content for you.

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