The 9 Circles of Hell from Dante's Inferno
What are the 9 Circles of Hell from Dante's Inferno? The Divine Comedy or Dante's Inferno as it is commonly called, took the concept of Hell and spun it on his head. If you don't remember the poem from your English classes, no worries, I've got the circles ordered for you.
As far as the 9 Circles go, Limbo isn't all bad. It is the home of the virtuous and righteous pagans, those who existed before the Word of God was known to mankind. Here you'll find such illustrious figures as Hippocrates, Aristotle, and Ovid.
The second of the 9 Circles is Lust, which is ravaged by heavy winds. This is the final destination for those who commit adultery or carry lust in their hearts as you might imagine. In Dante's day, the poem claims that Helen of Troy and Cleopatra are among the many denizens of this circle.
When they talk about Hell freezing over, they might be referring to the third of the 9 Circles. Gluttony is covered in a blizzard, with freezing rain and ice everywhere. Dante doesn't identify any historical figures, but this is for those who simply consume and consume.
Curiously, Dante and Virgil never interact with anyone in the fourth of the 9 Circles. Greed is reserved for those who strive only to attain more and more wealth. Dante and Virgil converse with the residents of the previous circles, however they pass through Greed without talking to a soul.
Anger is the fifth of the 9 Circles, a realm where Dante and Virgil are threatened by Furies as they approach the walls of the inner circles. However, they are permitted to pass, prompting questioning from Dante about the nature of his own life and the weight of his mortal sins.
Surprisingly, Dante and Virgil encounter some more notable historical figures while in Heresy, the sixth of the circles. In contrast to the other circles, Dante meets notable people like Frederick II and Epicurus. However, most notably they meet Pope Anastasius II, who was proclaimed a heretic after his death.
Unlike the other circles, the seventh of the 9 Circles is divided into rings. Violence is for those who commit murder and blasphemers alike. Dante even meets his mentor here, Brunetto Latini. Centaurs guard the outermost ring, shooting escapees with arrows.
In light of the other circles, you might not expect the eighth of the 9 Circles to focus solely on fraud. However, Dante saw this as a grave sin and subsequently, there is no shortage of crooks and seducers. Like the other circles, this is divided up into rings, though notable figures are named.
The final circle is that of treachery. In light of the other circles, it would seem this one might rank lower. However, you'll find Cassius, Brutus, and Judas Iscariot at the center of this circle. The three great betrayers of history are being gnawed on by Satan.