



Soldier Returns from Deployment, Surprises Young Kids During Storytime

Patriotic young soldier walking towards his house with his luggage. Rearview of an American serviceman coming back home after serving in the military.

Soldier Returns from Deployment, Surprises Young Kids During Storytime

One lucky group of children was surprised during storytime. For SSG Moore, his deployment was finally over, and he had only one thing in mind. To find out how his children reacted, read on.

Setting the Stage

The men of the 1-64 were coming home after a lengthy 9-month deployment.

The 1st Battalion 64th Armor’s SSG Brian Moore was coming home after a deployment. This joyous occasion would result in a wonderful surprise for Moore’s children.

Joyous Faces

Happy faces were the only sight to be seen.

The 1-64’s homecoming had the bleachers swelling with friends and family. Happy cheers filled the air as the soldiers had come after a 9-month deployment to Afghanistan.

A Word of Thanks

The commanding officer had words of encouragement and thanks.

Before Moore and his compatriots were set loose to see their families and friends, they were held at Cattrell Field to listen to a few words. This short speech expressed gratitude and welcomed the soldiers home.

Pure Elation

Families were reunited, a welcome sight after months away.

As the field opened up, it was like something straight out of storytime. Dozens of friends and families rushed to embrace their loved ones.


Brian Moore and his wife Riki only had happy faces to be seen upon their reunion.

While most of Cattrell Field was filled with friends of soldiers, SSG Brian Moore was only greeted by his wife Riki. Fortunately, this was due to the parents wanting to surprise their kids at storytime with Brian’s return.

A Spark of Recognition

Moore’s son Brent didn’t realize it was his father at first.

The Moores surprised their youngest child first at storytime. At only four years old, the boy didn’t recognize his father at first. However, a flash of recognition flashed over his face when he realized who his mother was standing beside.

Straight Out of the Movies

SSG Brian Moore
This could’ve been a scene out of a heartwarming film.

As would be befitting something straight out of storytime or the movies, Brian Moore made his return just in time for the Christmas season. The holiday season might not have been the first thing in mind, considering Brian Moore’s 9-month absence.

An Empty Classroom

SSG Brian Moore
There is some humor to be found in the Moore family finding an empty classroom

After surprising Brent, their youngest, the Moores were due to announce Brian’s arrival to his son Blake. However, upon arriving at his classroom it was empty, as the students were out of the classroom.

Hiding in Plain Sight

SSG Brian Moore
You have to give credit to Moore for hiding in the most obvious place.

This is something straight out of storytime for any child, as SSG Brian Moore hid while he waited for his son’s arrival. Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait too long.

Instant Joy

SSG Brian Moore
Moore’s oldest son recognized his father right away.

Blake immediately knew who his father was. Upon seeing his mother, he rushed to see his father.

A Family Made Whole

SSG Brian Moore
Only happy faces and thanks to be given this Christmas.

The Moore’s reunion is akin to a modern tale you’d hear at storytime. The two young boys had their father back home, and the family was whole just in time for the holidays.

Watch the Full Video

SSG Brian Moore
Moore and his family were finally together after the soldier had been away for the better part of a year.

You can watch the entirety of his heartwarming video here. While the still photographs are adorable, there is something to be said about getting to hear the elation in everyone’s voices for yourself.

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