



Volcano Erupts and Hurls Rocks as High as a Skyscraper

Landscape Panorama picture from Volcano Arenal next to the rainforest, Costa Rica. Travel in Central America. San Jose.

Volcano Erupts and Hurls Rocks as High as a Skyscraper

A volcanic eruption is one of the most dangerous natural events on Earth. Throughout history, it has famously wiped out cities like Pompeii, so anytime a volcano erupts, it’s worth noting. This particular video focuses on Taki, a volcano on the Japanese island of Kyushu. With over 350 years of volcanic history at the time of this video, yet another eruption hurled rocks into the air.

Kyushu Island

Volcano Location
The volcano is located on one of the southernmost Japanese islands.

The volcanic eruption emphasized in this video is located on Kyushu island, the southernmost point in Japan. The first images of the volcanic eruption show plenty of smoke and lava spewing into the air.

Volcanic Eruption

Volcano Smoke
You can see the first signs of smoke from Taki.

In this first image of a volcanic eruption, smoke fills the air as Taki shows its readiness to explode. Plenty of smoke looks like it could fog up the sky and, if this were the modern day, cause problems with air travel.

Lots of Smoke

Volcano Smoke
Another angle shows how much smoke is coming out of the volcano.

You can see how much smoke Taki is pouring into the air every second with a different angle. While this isn’t the most dangerous volcanic eruption, it’s enough to worry nearby residents.

Additional Explosions

Volcano Smoke
One more angle shows how much smoke fills the camera frame.

In this somewhat blurry view, you get another sense of how many fires occur due to the superheated volcanic rocks and lava. The fire is quickly spreading on the side of the volcano.

Volcano Evacuation

Volcano Evacuation
The eruption required the evacuation of many local residents.

Residents near Taki on Kyushu are being evacuated to a safe distance because of the dangers of the volcanic eruption, including excessive smoke. They are taken by boat and moved far enough away to avoid being hurled rocks.

Plenty of Onlookers

Volcano Onlookers
Additional onlookers are seeing Taki pour smoke into the air.

As the volcano erupts, more onlookers gather as they watch events unfold. While it doesn’t look like there’s as much smoke at a distance, the smoke fills the air up close.

Rocks Falling

Volcano Rocks
Taki threw giant rocks into the air, causing additional rockslides.

The power of the volcanic explosion launches rocks into the air as high as a skyscraper, but they fall back to Earth against the side of the volcano, creating something of a rock slide.

Lava Flowing

Volcano Flow
The lava flow from Taki was burning everything in its place.

Along with flying rocks, there are also instances of lava flow in and around the side of the volcano. Lava can be very dangerous, with temperatures between 1,300 and 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit.

More Flying Rocks

Volcano Smoke
Rocks being thrown into the air posed a real problem for the cameramen.

In another angle of the volcanic eruption captured by a brave photographer, the video will show you that even more flying rocks are coming out of the volcano.

Even More Eruptions

Volcano Smoke
One final view of the volcano shows how much smoke continues pouring into the air.

Another view toward the end of the volcanic video shows the smoke getting worse and worse. Taki continues to spew smoke in a major way that causes visibility to drop to dangerous levels.

Additional Onlookers

Volcano Onlookers
Additional onlookers watch the volcanoes, hoping for no local damage.

If you look at the video again, you see another view of onlookers watching Taki continue to erupt hours after it initially began to spew smoke. Unfortunately, volcanoes can erupt for hours, days, or weeks.

Watch the Full Video

Volcano Eruption
Watch the full video to see the entire eruption take place.

Watch the full video to get a full sense of the volcanic eruption’s power. With the video, you’ll see just how high the smoke can get and how far up in the sky rocks can be thrown, thanks to the power of Mother Nature.

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