What are the oldest Biblical artifacts ever found? There is often a bit of disputing and the like when it comes to the historicity of artifacts. However, these artifacts harken back to the Old and New Testament times with some concrete evidence behind them.

It has been said that what remains of Jericho no longer exists. However, one of the most stunning Biblical artifacts ever found relates to the city. Archaeologists have found proof of the walls as well as grain silos from the ancient city.
Mesha Stele

The city of Canaan is mentioned multiple times throughout the Bible. As such, if you want to see one of the most fascinating Biblical artifacts, the Mesha stele is an amazing find. This is written in the language of the Moabites and mentions the House of David.
Ketef Hinnom Amulets

Historically, amulets have a sense of mysticism about them. In Judeo-Christian thought, they can be ascribed with blessings and prayers to protect. The Ketef Hinnom amulets are exactly that, and one of the more intriguing Biblical artifacts found.
The Tell-Dan Inscription

It is a rarity to find references to the city of Jerusalem before Antiquity. However, the Tell-Dan inscription is one of the most fascinating Biblical artifacts for this reason. It refers to the Israelites, as well as a battle waged between Aram and the tribes of Judah and Israel.
Amarna Letters

There is always a sense of delight when it comes to finding letters and inscriptions from ages back. The Amarna letters refer to the City of David. It is written in cuneiform and makes for one of the more intriguing historical Biblical artifacts discovered.
Autobiography of Weni

Egypt was the dominant power in the time before Antiquity, and one of the earliest adversaries pointed out in the Bible. It only makes sense that one of the oldest Biblical artifacts would come from the area. The Autobiography of Weni is the life’s tale of a court official that also refers to campaigns waged in Sinai and the Levant.
Sebek-khu Stele

Egypt was one of the enemies of the children of Israel, and in one of the more curious Biblical artifacts you can see mention of a military campaign in Retjenu. The Sebek-khu Stele made its presence known in 1901 and has captivated historians ever since.
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