What vaccines have prevented the most deaths around the world? Vaccinations are a divisive subject, but they are one of the biggest medical breakthroughs of the last 300 years. Preventing diseases has proven instrumental in making sure people live longer and healthier lives.
Neisseria Meningitidis A

- Africa: 2,000
- Americas: N/A
- Eastern Mediterranean: N/A
- Europe: N/A
- South-east Asia: N/A
- Western Pacific: N/A
- Worldwide: 2,000
Japanese Encephalitis

- Africa: N/A
- Americas: N/A
- Eastern Mediterranean: N/A
- Europe: N/A
- South-east Asia: 20,000
- Western Pacific: 10,000
- Worldwide: 29,000

- Africa: 45,000
- Americas: 30,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 34,000
- Europe: 14,000
- South-east Asia: 112,000
- Western Pacific: 50,000
- Worldwide: 286,000

- Africa: 210,000
- Americas: 7,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 30,000
- Europe: 3,000
- South-east Asia: 84,000
- Western Pacific: 23,000
- Worldwide: 357,000

- Africa: 228,000
- Americas: 31,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 67,000
- Europe: 4,000
- South-east Asia: 62,000
- Western Pacific: 4,000
- Worldwide: 396,000
Hepatitis B

- Africa: 129,000
- Americas: 18,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 27,000
- Europe: 24,000
- South-east Asia: 73,000
- Western Pacific: 203,000
- Worldwide: 464,000
Yellow Fever

- Africa: 549,000
- Americas: 8,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 1,000
- Europe: N/A
- South-east Asia: N/A
- Western Pacific: N/A
- Worldwide: 554,000

- Africa: 151,000
- Americas: 218,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 119,000
- Europe: 244,000
- South-east Asia: 347,000
- Western Pacific: 491,000
- Worldwide: 1,570,000
Streptococcus Pneumoniae

- Africa: 1,026,0000
- Americas: 69,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 284,000
- Europe: 31,000
- South-east Asia: 137,000
- Western Pacific: 70,000
- Worldwide: 1,628,000
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B

- Africa: 1,534,000
- Americas: 181,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 422,000
- Europe: 36,000
- South-east Asia: 603,000
- Western Pacific: 71,000
- Worldwide: 2,845,000

- Africa: 6,568,000
- Americas: 231,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 822,000
- Europe: 108,000
- South-east Asia: 2,416,000
- Western Pacific: 756,000
- Worldwide: 10,874,000
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

- Africa: 4,197,000
- Americas: 367,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 1,861,000
- Europe: 231,000
- South-east Asia: 4,437,000
- Western Pacific: 2,058,000
- Worldwide: 13,173,000

- Africa: 9,544,000
- Americas: 65,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 8,501,000
- Europe: 21,000
- South-east Asia: 9,218,000
- Western Pacific: 586,000
- Worldwide: 27,948,000

- Africa: 28,660,000
- Americas: 14,894,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 12,887,000
- Europe: 6,562,000
- South-east Asia: 20,517,000
- Western Pacific: 10,192,000
- Worldwide: 93,712,000

- Africa: 52,843,000
- Americas: 16,119,000
- Eastern Mediterranean: 25,055,000
- Europe: 7,278,000
- South-east Asia: 38,026,000
- Western Pacific: 14,514,000
- Worldwide: 153,838,000
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