



Discover the 13 Oldest Cartoons in the World

Discover the 13 Oldest Cartoons in the World

Discover the 13 Oldest Cartoons in the World
© History-Computer.com/Cassandra McBride
#13 - Fantasmagorie (1908)
© Émile Cohl / Public domain
#12 - Little Nemo (1911)
© Winsor McCay / Public domain
#11 - How a Mosquito Operates (1912)
© Winsor McCay / Public domain
#10 - Gertie the Dinosaur (1914)
© Winsor McCay / Public domain
#9 - Feline Follies (1919)
© Pat Sullivan / Public domain
#8 - Alice's Wonderland (1923)
© Winkler Pictures / Public domain
#7 - The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926)
© Lotte Reiniger / Primrose Productions / CC BY-SA 4.0
#6 - Trolley Troubles (1927)
© Walt Disney / Public domain
#5 - Dinner Time (1928)
© Motion Picture News / Public domain
#4 - Steamboat Willie (1928)
© Phil Coale / Public domain
#3 - Silly Symphonies (1929)
© OswaldLR / Public domain
#2 - Looney Tunes (1930)
© Hugh Harman und Rudolf Ising / Public domain
#1 - Betty Boop (1930)
© Fleischer Studios / Public domain
Discover the 13 Oldest Cartoons in the World
#13 - Fantasmagorie (1908)
#12 - Little Nemo (1911)
#11 - How a Mosquito Operates (1912)
#10 - Gertie the Dinosaur (1914)
#9 - Feline Follies (1919)
#8 - Alice's Wonderland (1923)
#7 - The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926)
#6 - Trolley Troubles (1927)
#5 - Dinner Time (1928)
#4 - Steamboat Willie (1928)
#3 - Silly Symphonies (1929)
#2 - Looney Tunes (1930)
#1 - Betty Boop (1930)

Discover the 13 Oldest Cartoons in the World

Key Points

  • The oldest cartoon ever created is 'Fantasmagorie' by French animator Émile Cohl in 1908.
  • Winsor McCay's 'Little Nemo' from 1911 is one of the oldest examples of drawn animation and closely resembles modern cartoons.
  • Winsor McCay's 'Gertie the Dinosaur' from 1914 is considered the most popular creation of McCay and showcases animation techniques that would influence future animators, including Disney.
  • The 'Looney Tunes' series, introduced in 1930, featured iconic characters like Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck and evolved into a successful franchise.

It's safe to say that, for the most part, modern cartoons are a far cry from the early days of animation. Animation's roots are in the late 19th century, with cartoons hitting the screen in the early 20th century. Although they may seem relatively simple, these old cartoons were responsible for pioneering techniques that would help progress the art form as we know it, and influence generations of animators that would come after. Come with us on a journey through the oldest cartoons ever made, and see how many you're familiar with. And if you want another dose of nostalgia, check out our sum-ups of the oldest TV stations and Disney movies!

Oldest Cartoons in Chronological Order

Frequently Asked Questions

What's considered the oldest cartoon?

Most consider Fantasmagorie to be the first cartoon, which was released in 1908.

When did Mickey Mouse come out?

Mickey Mouse debuted in 1928, in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.

Who are the most iconic early cartoon characters?

Aside from Mickey Mouse, famous early characters include Betty Boop, Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, and Farmer Alfalfa.

What's the most significant early cartoon?

Many would consider Steamboat Willie to be one of, if not the most, iconic of the era, and think of it as the first synchronized sound cartoon. However, Dinner Time actually came before, but only by a month, and failed to be anywhere near as successful.

When was the silent era?

The silent era of animation and cinema is generally thought to have been from the late 19th century until around 1927, when the first feature film with sound, The Jazz Singer, was released. Silent films were made after this, but their popularity diminished as sound became more commonplace.

Duncan Dodsworth, Author for History-Computer

Duncan Dodsworth is a writer at History Computer, primarly producing content about personal tech, computers or gaming. Duncan has been writing about tech for over 5 years since he majored in Chemistry in 2016. A resident of London, England, Duncan likes listening to music, playing around with gadgets and reading books half as often as he says he does.

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