When It Comes to Close Combat, No Shotgun Hits Harder Than This One
While the shotgun might not be the most practical weapon to serve in combat roles anymore, there is no denying how critically important it can be in a fight. This is a weapon that is very lethal when used in the right hands, especially when being used to breach a locked door. There is little question about whether the shotgun is here to stay and whether future forms will only be more aggressive.
Why We're Writing About American-Made Military Shotguns
For over a century, military shotguns have been a key tool for American soldiers, helping them to breach doors, clear trenches, and maintain an upper hand in close-quarters combat. Examining the shotguns used by the U.S. military can provide insights into the complex relationships between government spending, major defense contractors, and global conflict.
Are Shotguns Effective in Combat?
A shotgun isn't the preferred long arm for most military engagements. However, urban fighting and close-quarters combat do see some use for the humble shotgun. With the right loads, American troops can shred the enemy with ease.
Part of what makes a shotgun a viable combat weapon is versatility. A 12 gauge pump action can load slugs, buckshot, and breaching rounds, which give it a combination of combat lethality and the means of safely entering buildings all in one handy package.
Winchester Model 1897
The Winchester Model 1897 is a pump-action slide shotgun manufactured by Winchester Repeating Arms and entered service in 1897. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and a 5-round tubular magazine.
Browning Auto-5
The Browning Auto-5 is a self-loading semi-automatic shotgun manufactured by Browning Arms / Remington Arms / Savage Arms and entered service in 1902. It uses a 12-, 16-, or 20-gauge caliber and a 3—or 5-round tubular magazine.
M11 (Model 11)
The M11 (Model 11) is a semiautomatic self-loading shotgun manufactured by Browning Arms / Remington Arms and entered service in 1905. It uses a 12-, 16-, or 20-gauge caliber and a 5-round tubular magazine.
M10 (Model 10)
The M10 (Model 10) is a pump-action slide shotgun manufactured by Remington Arms and entered service in 1908. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and a 5-round tubular magazine.
M520 (Model 520)
The M520 (Model 520) is a pump-action slide shotgun manufactured by the J. Stevens Arms Company and entered service in 1910. It uses a 12-, 16-, or 20-gauge caliber and a 5-round tubular magazine.
Winchester Model 1912 (Model 12)
The Winchester Model 1912 (Model 12) is a pump-action slide shotgun manufactured by Winchester Repeating Arms and entered service in 1912. It uses a 12-, 16-, 20-, or 28-gauge caliber and a 6-round tubular magazine.
M620 (Model 620)
The M620 (Model 620) is a pump-action slide shotgun. It was manufactured by the J. Stevens Arms Company and entered service in 1927. It uses a 12-, 16-, or 20-gauge caliber and a 5-round tubular magazine.
The M720 is a semi-automatic shotgun. It was manufactured by Savage Arms and entered service in 1935. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and a 5-round tubular magazine.
Model 37
The Model 37 is a combat shotgun. It was manufactured by the Ithaca Gun Company and entered service in 1937. It uses a 12-, 16-, 20-, or 28-gauge caliber and a 4-, 5-, or 8-round tubular magazine.
Model 37 Stakeout
The Model 37 Stakeout is a pump-action military shotgun. It was manufactured by the Ithaca Gun Company and entered service in 1946. It uses a 12- or 20-gauge caliber and a 4-round tubular magazine.
Model 870
The Model 870 is a pump-action military shotgun. It was manufactured by Remington Arms and entered service in 1950. It uses a 12-, 16-, 20-, or 28-gauge or .410 bore caliber and a 4- or 7-round tubular magazine.
Wingmaster (Model 870)
The Wingmaster (Model 870) is a pump-action military shotgun. It was manufactured by Remington Arms and entered service in 1951. It uses a 12-, 16-, 20-, 28-gauge or .410 bore caliber and a 5-round tubular magazine.
The M6 is an aircrew survival rifle. It was manufactured by the Ithaca Gun Company and entered service in 1952. It uses a .22 Hornet / .410 caliber and 9 x .22 Hornet / 4 x .410 shells.
Model 1100
The Model 1100 is a semi-automatic auto-loading shotgun. It was manufactured by Remington Arms and entered service in 1963. It uses a 12-, 16-, or 20-gauge caliber and a 4- or 10-round internal tubular magazine.
Winchester Model 1200
The Winchester Model 1200 is a pump-action slide shotgun. It was manufactured by Winchester Repeating Arms and entered service in 1968. It uses a 12-, 16-, or 20-gauge caliber and a 4-, 5-, 6-, or 7-shot capacity
Model 590
The Model 590 is a pump-action slide shotgun. It was manufactured by Mossberg and entered service in 1975. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and a 6-, 8-, or 9-round tubular magazine.
Winchester Model 1300
The Winchester Model 1300 is a combat slide-action shotgun. It was manufactured by Winchester Repeating Arms and entered service in 1978. It uses a 12- or 20-gauge caliber and a 4-, 5-, 7-, or 8-shot tubular magazine.
The HK CAWS is a select-fire automatic combat shotgun manufactured by Heckler & Koch. It entered service in 1983 with a 12-gauge caliber and a 10-round detachable box magazine.
The Jackhammer is an automatic shotgun. It was manufactured by the Pancor Corporation and entered service in 1987. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and a 10-round cassette.
Sledgehammer (AA-12)
The Sledgehammer (AA-12) is an assault combat shotgun. It was manufactured by Military Police Systems and entered service in 2005. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and an 8-round detachable box or a 20- or 32-round drum.
The KSG is a pump-action bullpup shotgun. It was manufactured by Kel-Tec CNC Industries and entered service in 2011. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and twin 6-shot internal tubular magazines.
The Origin-12 is a semi-automatic tactical shotgun. It was manufactured by Fostech Arms and entered service in 2014. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and a 5-, 8-, or 10-round detachable box magazine or 20- or 30-round drum.
Model 1216
The Model 1216 is a semi-automatic tactical shotgun. It was manufactured by SRM Arms and entered service in 2016. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and an 8-,12-, 16-round tubular magazine.
M90 Shockwave
The M90 Shockwave is a magazine-fed pump-action shotgun. It was manufactured by Mossberg and entered service in 2018. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and a 5-, 10-, 15-, or 20-round detachable box magazine.
V3 Tactical
The V3 Tactical is a pump-action shotgun. It was manufactured by Remington Arms and entered service in 2020. It uses a 12-gauge caliber and a 6-round tubular magazine.