



Every U.S. Army Cavalry Division and Its Claim to Fame

1st Cavalry Division’s Horse Cavalry

Every U.S. Army Cavalry Division and Its Claim to Fame

While the US Army doesn’t quite use its cavalry divisions like it did when horses were popular, these units are still some of the best-known throughout Army history. With 10 divisions, many of these units offer varying degrees of fame depending on whether they saw action.

Whether it’s being one of the first African-American cavalry divisions as part of the modern army or another reason, there are some claims to fame. With this in mind, look at all 10 cavalry division units and learn exactly what each one will brag about most.

1st Cavalry Division

1st Cavalry
The 1st Cavalry Division was founded in 1921 and still exists today.
  • Founded: 1921
  • Garrison: Fort Cavazos, Texas

The most unique thing about the 1st Cavalry Division in the US Army is that it’s the only one that has served as a cavalry division, infantry division, air assault division, and armored division. 

2nd Cavalry Division

2nd Cavalry
The 2nd Cavalry Division was one of the most important African-American military divisions.
  • Founded: 1940 – 1942; 1943-1944
  • Garrison: No longer active

In 1943, the US Army decided to create an all-African-American cavalry division as part of the 2nd Cavalry Division after Pearl Harbor. This unit remains a significant part of African-American military history. 

3rd Cavalry Division

US 3rd Cavalry Division
The 3rd Cavalry Division was never deployed to a combat role.
  • Founded: 1927-1940
  • Garrison: No longer active

While the 3rd Cavalry Division existed on paper, its claim to fame is that it never conducted large-scale training. No units were ever deployed, and it was disbanded at the start of World War II. 

21st Cavalry Division

21st cav div
The 21st Cavalry Division offered real horses to train on before moving to mechanized units.
  • Founded: 1921-1940
  • Garrison: No longer active

One big claim to fame for the 21st Cavalry Division is that it trained with horses as a mounted cavalry unit. While the unit was disbanded, it was one of the few that trained with real horses but was never deployed. 

24th Cavalry Division

24th cav div
The 24th Cavalry Division was one of the few units to never assemble in one place.
  • Founded: 1921-1940
  • Garrison: No longer active

The 24th Cavalry Division’s biggest claim to fame is that its entire troop was never assembled in one place. Instead, troops were spread across many states and never saw combat. 

61st Cavalry Division

The 61st Cavalry Division was famous for training multiple National Guard units.
  • Founded: 1921 – 1942
  • Garrison: No longer active

While the 61st Cavalry Division never saw combat, its claim to fame is that it played a role in training National Guard units to reach a heightened level of preparedness in case of deployment. 

62nd Cavalry Division

62nd Cavalry Division
Like other cavalry units, the 62nd trained elite National Guard units.
  • Founded: 1921 – 1942
  • Garrison: No longer active

Similar to the 61st Cavalry Division, the 62nd never saw combat. Still, its claim to fame is in how well its members trained National Guard units, which gave them additional preparedness when called up for active service. 

63rd Cavalry Division

US 63rd Cavalry Division
The 63rd Cavalry Division was famous for maintaining the high stands of cavalry units.
  • Founded: 1921 – 1942
  • Garrison: No longer active

Unfortunately, outside of general preparedness for National Guard units, the 63rd Cavalry was disbanded due to the shift to mechanized units. Its only claim to fame is maintaining cavalry division standards to the highest degree. 

65th Cavalry Division

US 65th Cavalry Division
Unfortunately, the 65th Cavalry Division had no major claim to fame.
  • Founded: 1921 – 1941
  • Garrison: No longer active

Headquartered in Chicago, the 65th Cavalry Division never saw combat and mainly consisted of Midwest troops. As these troops transitioned to mechanized units, it was disbanded before it could make any major claims to fame. 

66th Cavalry Division

US 66th Cavalry Division
Having never seen combat, the 66th Cavalry Division has no major claims to fame.
  • Founded: 1921 – 1942
  • Garrison: No longer active

Like other cavalry division units on this list, the 66th Cavalry Division’s focus was its general level of preparedness. The unit has no dramatic claims to fame, as it never saw combat. 

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