



The Unforgettable Faces of People Liberated From Axis Rule During WWII

D-Day celebrations with parachutists and Dakotas above Europe, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Anniversary of the battle of Normandy. (DDay, D'Day, World War II or Second World War).

The Unforgettable Faces of People Liberated From Axis Rule During WWII

Sadly, the passage of time makes it difficult to truly understand the plight of those liberated from Axis rule during the Second World War. Large chunks of Europe rested under fascist control, and the citizens suffered under the oppressive yoke of German control. If you’ve been curious, get ready to see the joyous faces of the freed citizens of Rome.

Setting the Stage

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Before Italy could be liberated from Axis rule, the Allies would have to fight bitterly over the continent.

1943 saw Germany take control of Italy. While Italy was in league with Germany in the early years of the war, Mussolini was ousted in July, seeing his regime topple for good. Italy would be the first major European country targeted by the Allies for liberation in 1944.

Roman Plight

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German shipping proved to be a valuable target for Allied bombers.

Life with Mussolini wasn’t a cakewalk, but the German occupation force was far nastier. The Allies would sweep through Sicily first, before pushing into the Italian peninsula proper. Extensive bombing campaigns would rob German forces of important logistical support, a welcome reprisal after the oppressive conditions Italians encountered.

Pushing Back the Axis

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Rome was the first major European capital to be liberated from Axis rule.

The US VI Corps and the CEF took possession of Rome on June 4th, 1944. This was two days before Operation Overlord and marked the first European power freed from Nazi oppression. The hard-fought campaign opened roads to Germany itself, the next major target after France.

Welcome Liberators

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Joyous Roman citizens crowded the streets to celebrate the arrival of the Allies.

After decades of fascist rule under Mussolini and later Hitler, the Italians were glad to be liberated from Axis rule. Open celebrations marked the streets while a procession of troops filtered through the streets.

The Freed Eternal City

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The sight of military vehicles inspired hope for the first time in years in Rome.

Rome was an important symbolic victory for the Allies, especially since it was liberated from Axis rule. Children, women, and people from all walks of life took to waving American flags and interacting with troops.

Joy in the Streets

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The tanks and trucks brought a message of freedom, rather than oppression.

Rome was filled with jubilant cheers, in spite of the previous years of strife and anguish. Thankfully, Mussolini was removed from the equation, making it far easier to stomach being liberated from Axis rule.

A People Freed

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Relief and joy swept across Roman citizens.

Despite the previous regime, the joyous people of Rome were glad to embrace a new government. Further, it marked a change toward a more equitable Italy, freed of the fascist regime that had harangued its citizens on the streets.

Cause for Celebration

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You can only feel happiness looking at these people finally breathing easy.

One thing you’ll see with the average people liberated from Axis rule is how shockingly alike we are to them. These are just normal people going about their lives while living under extraordinary circumstances. It certainly makes their beaming faces an absolute joy to see.

Righteous Anger

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While they lived happily for years, collaborators would be punished openly in the streets.

While many celebrated in the streets, there was still anger for those liberated from Axis rule. Collaborators had turned on their fellow citizens, letting in the enemy and making concessions toward German rule. Roman citizens stormed their offices with bombs and guns, dragging out the collaborators to face justice in the streets.

Watch At Home

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Just two days after Rome’s liberation, Operation Overlord would begin.

If you’d like to see the footage sourced for this list, our astonishing video centered around Italian citizens liberated from Axis rule is viewable here. It’s a short video and is an incredible watch to see history come alive.

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