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The Superpower with the Most Guided Missile Destroyers on the Planet
In the modern age of military strategy, it isn’t easy to highlight just how vital naval strategy is to much of the world. Except for landlocked countries, maritime power has become a staple of the last 50 years as both large and small navies look to showcase how much power every nation has available to it at any given time.
Why Is There Such a Focus on Guided Missile Destroyers?
It won't come as any surprise to learn that destroyers are considerably smaller and far less expensive than an aircraft carrier. However, guided missile destroyers are no less critical as they can serve in an anti-air role, anti-submarine warfare, or even take out aircraft carriers through anti-ship missiles. These are nimble, fast, heavy-hitting ships meant to get into the fray.
15. Pakistan
- Total destroyers: 2
- Total naval vessels: 114
- Total submarines: 8
- Total corvettes: 2
14. Australia
- Total destroyers: 3
- Total naval vessels: 43
- Total submarines: 6
- Total corvettes: 0
13. Argentina
- Total destroyers: 4
- Total naval vessels: 41
- Total submarines: 2
- Total corvettes: 9
12. Taiwan
- Total destroyers: 4
- Total naval vessels: 93
- Total submarines: 4
- Total corvettes: 2
11. Italy
- Total destroyers: 4
- Total naval vessels: 309
- Total submarines: 8
- Total corvettes: 0
10. Mexico
- Total destroyers: 5
- Total naval vessels: 194
- Total submarines: 0
- Total corvettes: 4
9. Spain
- Total destroyers: 5
- Total naval vessels: 54
- Total submarines: 2
- Total corvettes: 6
8. United Kingdom
- Total destroyers: 6
- Total naval vessels: 117
- Total submarines: 10
- Total corvettes: 0
7. France
- Total destroyers: 10
- Total naval vessels: 128
- Total submarines: 9
- Total corvettes: 0
6. India
- Total destroyers: 12
- Total naval vessels: 294
- Total submarines: 18
- Total corvettes: 18
5. South Korea
- Total destroyers: 13
- Total naval vessels: 200
- Total submarines: 22
- Total corvettes: 5
4. Russia
- Total destroyers: 14
- Total naval vessels: 781
- Total submarines: 65
- Total corvettes: 83
3. Japan
- Total destroyers: 36
- Total naval vessels: 155
- Total submarines: 23
- Total corvettes: 6
2. China
- Total destroyers: 49
- Total naval vessels: 730
- Total submarines: 61
- Total corvettes: 72
1. United States
- Total destroyers: 75
- Total naval vessels: 472
- Total submarines: 64
- Total corvettes: 23