The advent of modern industry has led to some interesting scenarios as far as warfare is concerned. Weapons are mass-produced, making for ease of adoption and fielding those weapons. Today, we’re looking at the most prolific firearms of all time.
50. Winchester Model 1892

- Approximate Units Sold: 2,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
49. Winchester Model 1912/1942

- Approximate Units Sold: 2,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
48. Winchester Models 1900 through 1968

- Approximate Units Sold: 2,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
47. Marlin Model 1891/1892/1897/1939

- Approximate Units Sold: 2,200,000
- Country of Origin: United States
46. M14

- Approximate Units Sold: 2,380,000
- Country of Origin: United States
45. Fusil Gras mle 1874

- Approximate Units Sold: 2,500,000
- Country of Origin: France
44. Remington Model 740/742/7400 Woodsmaster

- Approximate Units Sold: 2,500,000
- Country of Origin: United States
43. Gewehr 1888

- Approximate Units Sold: 2,800,000
- Country of Origin: Germany
42. Browning Auto-5

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
41. Browning M2

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
40. Luger Parabellum

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,000,000
- Country of Origin: Germany
39. Nagant M1895

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,000,000
- Country of Origin: Russia
38. QBZ-95

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,000,000
- Country of Origin: China
37. Ruger Standard

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
36. Springfield M1903

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
35. Berdan M1870

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,200,000
- Country of Origin: Russia
34. Beretta 92

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,500,000
- Country of Origin: Italy
33. Lebel Model 1886

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,500,000
- Country of Origin: France
32. Mannlicher M1895

- Approximate Units Sold: 3,500,000
- Country of Origin: Austria-Hungary
31. Remington Model 1100

- Approximate Units Sold: 4,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
30. Ruger Single Six/Blackhawk/Vaquero

- Approximate Units Sold: 4,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
29. ‘Brown Bess’ Land Pattern Musket

- Approximate Units Sold: 4,300,000
- Country of Origin: United Kingdom
28. Carcano Modello 1891

- Approximate Units Sold: 4,500,000
- Country of Origin: Italy
27. STEN Gun

- Approximate Units Sold: 4,500,000
- Country of Origin: United Kingdom
26. M1911 (and copies)

- Approximate Units Sold: 5,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
25. Walther PP/PPK

- Approximate Units Sold: 5,000,000
- Country of Origin: Weimar Republic, Germany
24. Marlin Model 336

- Approximate Units Sold: 6,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
23. PPSh-41

- Approximate Units Sold: 6,000,000
- Country of Origin: Soviet Union
22. Ruger 10/22

- Approximate Units Sold: 6,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
21. Smith & Wesson Model 10

- Approximate Units Sold: 6,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
20. Type 63

- Approximate Units Sold: 6,000,000
- Country of Origin: China
19. M1/M2/M3 Carbine

- Approximate Units Sold: 6,500,000
- Country of Origin: United States
18. FN FAL (and derivatives)

- Approximate Units Sold: 7,000,000
- Country of Origin: Belgium
17. Musket Model 1777

- Approximate Units Sold: 7,000,000
- Country of Origin: France
16. Winchester Model 1894

- Approximate Units Sold: 7,500,000
- Country of Origin: United States
15. Heckler & Koch G3

- Approximate Units Sold: 8,000,000
- Country of Origin: Germany
14. M1 Garand

- Approximate Units Sold: 8,200,000
- Country of Origin: United States
13. Arisaka Type 30/38/99

- Approximate Units Sold: 10,000,000
- Country of Origin: Japan
12. Glock

- Approximate Units Sold: 10,000,000
- Country of Origin: Austria
11. IMI Uzi

- Approximate Units Sold: 10,000,000
- Country of Origin: Israel
10. Makarov Pistol

- Approximate Units Sold: 10,000,000
- Country of Origin: Soviet Union
9. Marlin Model 60

- Approximate Units Sold: 11,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
8. Remington 870

- Approximate Units Sold: 11,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
7. Mossberg 500

- Approximate Units Sold: 12,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
6. SKS

- Approximate Units Sold: 15,000,000
- Country of Origin: Soviet Union
5. Lee-Enfield

- Approximate Units Sold: 17,000,000
- Country of Origin: United Kingdom
4. M16/M4/AR-15 (and derivatives)

- Approximate Units Sold: 20,000,000
- Country of Origin: United States
3. Mosin-Nagant

- Approximate Units Sold: 37,000,000
- Country of Origin: Russia
2. Mauser Gewehr 98 (and similar)

- Approximate Units Sold: 102,000,000
- Country of Origin: Germany
1. Kalashnikov AK-47 (and derivatives)

- Approximate Units Sold: 150,000,000
- Country of Origin: Soviet Union
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Swedish Army Museum / Public Domain.