In the world of firearm ownership in the United States, you might think the Second Amendment protects guns without any additional considerations. The reality is that there are some restrictions to firearm ownership, specifically those with high-capacity magazines. After the expiration of an assault weapons ban in the mid-2000s, it’s now up to these states to ban high-capacity magazines.
Why Do These States Need Its Own Laws?

Between 1994 and 2004, the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, or AWB, was enacted due to action by President Bill Clinton and Congress. This ban prohibited the sale and manufacturing of semi-automatic firearms and magazines that could hold more than 10 rounds in a single cartridge.
However, in the aftermath of the expiration of this ban, many states decided not to maintain any of the regulations set forth by this bill. However, some states, like California and Illinois, took action as they are allowed to curtail the selling of these weapons in the foreseeable future.

California limits all kinds of firearms to 10 rounds. These restrictions apply to almost all facets of gun ownership, including manufacturing, importation, keeping for sale, exposing for sale, offering for sale, giving, lending, and possession. For now, people are still allowed to own high-capacity magazines, but a new, more restrictive law is set to go into effect in California that would limit even these.

Colorado is slightly more lenient than California, allowing 15 rounds for all firearms. The restrictions are only a few areas of gun ownership, including sale, possession, and transfer. Additionally, all previously owned high-capacity magazines are exempt from the ban.

Connecticut has a legal magazine capacity limit of 10. The limit applies to distribution, purchase, possession, importation and keeping, offering, and exposing for sale. High-capacity magazines already owned before the limit was put into place are allowed, but they must be legally registered.

In Delaware, the limit is 17 rounds for all firearms. These restrictions apply to possessing, transferring, receiving, purchasing, selling, and manufacturing firearms. All high-capacity magazines, even legacy ones, are banned. However, if you have a concealed carry permit, you are exempt.

In Hawaii, magazines are limited to 10 rounds. This capacity limit applies to barter, trade, gift, possession, transfer, acquisition, and manufacturing of handguns. Additionally, there is no exception for legacy high-capacity magazines.

Illinois has legal magazine capacity limits for long guns and handguns. For long guns, the limit is ten rounds. Meanwhile, for handguns, the limit is increased to 15 rounds. Restrictions apply to sales, deliveries, purchases, and manufacturing.
Illinois also has a rule that the restrictions apply to people causing someone else to sell, possess, deliver, or manufacture said magazines. Legacy high-capacity magazines are allowed but are limited to specific circumstances and locations.

Maryland has a 10-round capacity limit for magazines for all firearms. This limit applies to the sale, offering of sale, purchase, receipt, transfer, and manufacturing of magazines. There are no limits for people who purchased high-capacity magazines before the law went into effect.

Massachusetts limits magazines to a capacity of no more than ten rounds. This limit applies to all firearms and applies to sales, offering of sales, possession, and transfers. All high-capacity magazines purchased before the ban are exempt from the rules.
New Jersey

New Jersey limits all firearms to 10 rounds. This includes transportation, manufacturing, shipment, possession, sale, and disposal restrictions. Some high-capacity magazines are exempt if purchased beforehand, but they are limited to those purchased before July 13, 2019, and must hold no more than 15 rounds.
New York

New York also limits all firearms to 10 rounds. This applies to manufacturing, disposal, possession, and transportation. Legacy high-capacity magazines are not allowed. Further, New York has more restrictions on procuring a concealed carry permit.

Oregon also bans magazines, limiting them to 10 rounds for all firearms. The restrictions apply to transfer, importation, use, sale, manufacturing, possession, and purchase. There are exemptions for high-capacity magazines purchased before the limit was put in place, but they can only be used in certain circumstances and locations.
Rhode Island

Rhode Island is another state with a limit of 10 rounds for all firearm magazines. Restrictions have been established for the sale, offer of sale, transfer, manufacture, purchase, possession, and even to have under one’s control. There is no exemption for legacy high-capacity magazines.

Vermont limits magazine capacity to 10 rounds for long guns and 15 rounds for handguns. These restrictions apply to manufacturing, sale, offer of sale, receipt, purchase, transfer, and possession. High-capacity magazines purchased before the ban are exempt.

Washington is another state with a 10-round limit for all firearms. Restrictions apply to distribution, importation, manufacturing, and sales. There is no limit or ban on previously purchased high-capacity magazines. That said, Washington is looking at stricter regulations in the future.
Washington D.C.

While not technically a state, Washington, D.C., has its own gun magazine limits. The current capacity limit is 10 rounds for all firearms. The restriction applies to possession, sale, and any other transfer form. No exceptions exist to the size of high-capacity magazines purchased before the law was enacted.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©larry1235/